Monday, August 8, 2011

PayPal require subscription clients to sign up with them first 2 CheckOut wont accept donationsOtherSolutions?

We are a charity in Spain and all we want to do is simply accept donations online, have people to sign up to child sponsorship online (=recurring billing) and have people sign up to our monthly publication (=recurring billing). Finding the solution to this seemingly simple requirement is proving to be a nightmare. Many payment processors require us to be set up in the USA. Others such as 2CheckOut wont accept donations. With CCBill people aren�t allowed to choose the amount of their donation - we have to specify it. Mondopay has a high set up fee and is a hle to integrate and likewise with Worldpay. With AlertPay, like PayPal, they effectively steal your customers requiring them to set up accounts with themselves before they are allowed to pay us. PayByWeb has a high set up fee and then monthly fees aswell. We are looking for a 3rd party processor who accepts donations, recurring billing, mlm, international, who does the integration and who does not charge monthly fees or set up fee

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